My school is cool. One of the coolest things about it is that we have a thing called Winterum. Winterum is a three week intensive study doing whatever you want. We do this right after Christmas break. This year I did a physical activity and dance winterum. I went to school at the normal time but instead of doing my regular classes I went and worked out for two hours, doing Zumba, Pilates, and Ti Boe. After we finished with that we would work on ballroom or hip hop. I had never done hip hop and it was crazy! I'm not what you would call an amazing hip hop dancer but I enjoyed myself. On four of the days we did ballroom. Everyone in the class was a first timer (every one except for Kyli and I) and we only had four boys. That made things difficult. Sadly our dance teacher was also super sick. On a brighter side, that made it so Kyli and I could try our hand at teaching. Mrs. Mullish would teach some of the basic stuff and then demonstrate with one of us, and then we got to go around fixing everyone. I loved it! However as a result I learned to really dislike cheerleaders. They never participated and were always rude. But I came away with switching all my body fat for muscle. I want it to stay that way.
However as fun as Winterum was things had to go back to normal. I started up on my regular classes this Monday. I got some new classes. I kept both my AP English classes and Seminary, but I picked up Geology, Chamber Choir, Geography, and Computer Tec. AND I'M A TA!!! I'm happy with everything except Geography, which I am only taking because I'm required to have it in order to graduate. It's full of Freshman ):
On top of everything going back to normal, dearest Gregory decided to pick up Bronchitis over Winterum. It didn't get really bad until Sunday, so he didn't find out what was wrong with him until Monday and he was gone from school all week long. ): I'm kind of surprised that I didn't pick up on the disease myself. But he got back today and it pretty much better (: After a long week I'm going to the school basketball game and dance tonight with him, Kyli and, Micheal. And then tomorrow my best friend from first grade is flying in today so we're having lunch tomorrow!!! Well until next time!