Saturday, October 27, 2012

Flashbacks and Fastforwarding

I found these pics on one of the blogs I follow. I wasn't sure if I wanted to laugh my head off or break down and cry.
These were taken just over a year ago! I was madly in love with Gregory. Kyli was swiftly falling for Michael, let's not even discuss the other people in the picture. We had no idea what was going to hit us! I didn't really have the ability to look a year into the future, and even if you told me all the things I was going to go through I wouldn't have believed you.

I went to a Maeser choir concert a few days ago. I sat with Gregory's family and I turned to him and said, "Does it freak you out to realize that this was us just five months ago?" ......little bit.
At graduation I couldn't have told you that I would be working in the deli just three weeks later. I couldn't have told you that I was going that I was going to be on one of the best ballroom companies in the nation just three months later. I couldn't have told you that I was going to really enjoy college. I couldn't have told you that I was going to slowly fall away and rarely see some of the people I considered my best friends. These images make up my life now.

The deli, school, and dance. (Not exactly in that order!) That is my life at the moment, but I'm mostly okay with that. My situation gives me so many directions that I can take my future.

So what is my future going to bring.  Well if past experience means anything I'm not going to be certain of anything until I get there.  I will go back to UVU next semester and continue with the dance.  I'm not sure where my job life is going to take me, but even if I can't get out of the deli I'll deal with it.  The part of my life that I'm starting to worry about is this summer.  I have so many options.

Will I simply work full time?

Will I go to school part time and get ahead in my degrees?

Will I go with my honors group and spend five weeks in London studying English, Shakespeare, and Legacies?

And perhaps my biggest question? Should I go on a mission?

Lots of options. Lots of changing. Lots of growing. Anyway I chose I won't be the same a year from now.

Thursday, October 18, 2012

Who Am I?

I am a UVU student.
I am the girl who really enjoys the schools sweet potato fries.
I am the girl who spends at least half of her nights cleaning the Wal-mart deli.
I am the girl who doesn't have a boy friend but sees her ex almost every day.
I am the girl who wears skirts to school rather than jeans.
I am the girl that enjoys going to the bank because that cute boy knows who she is.
I am the girl who never falls asleep until around one in the morning.
I am the girl who is never home for dinner but misses it.
I am the girl that will go to school early to study and maybe stop by her high school on the way to spend a half an hour with some old friends.
I am the girl that takes a trip to heaven every time she gets a back rub.
I am the girl who never stops dancing.
I am the girl who is only 114 pounds but knows she is okay because the healthy weight for someone her age, height, and gender is between 111 and 140 pounds
I am the girl who hates riding the bus because the picture of a stick figure throwing up makes her sick to her stomach.
I am the girl who is desperate to get back into drama
I am the girl that hasn't started filling out mission papers because she's taking her time to really think about it and because she can't go until the summer anyway.
I am the girl that has no fashion sense, but really couldn't care less because cute clothes are too expensive.
I am the girl who still feels nervous over a 40 question multiple choice test after she has studied for it.
I am the girl that loves deep.
I am the girl that is willing to hold you as you cry so you know that somebody cares.
I am not the girl that I was 6 months ago.
I am more confident then that girl.
I am more able to take care of herself.
I am not a girl that is easily hurt.
I am not a girl that is easily used.
I am not the girl who will base herself off of what others think she should be
I am who I am and I will decide when I want to change.