Saturday, October 27, 2012

Flashbacks and Fastforwarding

I found these pics on one of the blogs I follow. I wasn't sure if I wanted to laugh my head off or break down and cry.
These were taken just over a year ago! I was madly in love with Gregory. Kyli was swiftly falling for Michael, let's not even discuss the other people in the picture. We had no idea what was going to hit us! I didn't really have the ability to look a year into the future, and even if you told me all the things I was going to go through I wouldn't have believed you.

I went to a Maeser choir concert a few days ago. I sat with Gregory's family and I turned to him and said, "Does it freak you out to realize that this was us just five months ago?" ......little bit.
At graduation I couldn't have told you that I would be working in the deli just three weeks later. I couldn't have told you that I was going that I was going to be on one of the best ballroom companies in the nation just three months later. I couldn't have told you that I was going to really enjoy college. I couldn't have told you that I was going to slowly fall away and rarely see some of the people I considered my best friends. These images make up my life now.

The deli, school, and dance. (Not exactly in that order!) That is my life at the moment, but I'm mostly okay with that. My situation gives me so many directions that I can take my future.

So what is my future going to bring.  Well if past experience means anything I'm not going to be certain of anything until I get there.  I will go back to UVU next semester and continue with the dance.  I'm not sure where my job life is going to take me, but even if I can't get out of the deli I'll deal with it.  The part of my life that I'm starting to worry about is this summer.  I have so many options.

Will I simply work full time?

Will I go to school part time and get ahead in my degrees?

Will I go with my honors group and spend five weeks in London studying English, Shakespeare, and Legacies?

And perhaps my biggest question? Should I go on a mission?

Lots of options. Lots of changing. Lots of growing. Anyway I chose I won't be the same a year from now.

Thursday, October 18, 2012

Who Am I?

I am a UVU student.
I am the girl who really enjoys the schools sweet potato fries.
I am the girl who spends at least half of her nights cleaning the Wal-mart deli.
I am the girl who doesn't have a boy friend but sees her ex almost every day.
I am the girl who wears skirts to school rather than jeans.
I am the girl that enjoys going to the bank because that cute boy knows who she is.
I am the girl who never falls asleep until around one in the morning.
I am the girl who is never home for dinner but misses it.
I am the girl that will go to school early to study and maybe stop by her high school on the way to spend a half an hour with some old friends.
I am the girl that takes a trip to heaven every time she gets a back rub.
I am the girl who never stops dancing.
I am the girl who is only 114 pounds but knows she is okay because the healthy weight for someone her age, height, and gender is between 111 and 140 pounds
I am the girl who hates riding the bus because the picture of a stick figure throwing up makes her sick to her stomach.
I am the girl who is desperate to get back into drama
I am the girl that hasn't started filling out mission papers because she's taking her time to really think about it and because she can't go until the summer anyway.
I am the girl that has no fashion sense, but really couldn't care less because cute clothes are too expensive.
I am the girl who still feels nervous over a 40 question multiple choice test after she has studied for it.
I am the girl that loves deep.
I am the girl that is willing to hold you as you cry so you know that somebody cares.
I am not the girl that I was 6 months ago.
I am more confident then that girl.
I am more able to take care of herself.
I am not a girl that is easily hurt.
I am not a girl that is easily used.
I am not the girl who will base herself off of what others think she should be
I am who I am and I will decide when I want to change.

Sunday, August 26, 2012

Seriously my theme song at the moment....

Can't say it any better than this. Once again music speaks louder that my normal speech.

Saturday, July 28, 2012

A Small Love For Old Music.

Yes I am posting another song. This song is by one of my favorite artists and it was played on one of my stations recently and I thought I'd share a little piece of the myself.

Wednesday, July 18, 2012

A day in the life of a deli girl

Okay so the title isn't exactly accurate. It should be a night in the life of a deli girl. I work the mid-day/ night shift.
Overall I love my job most of the time. Hey, who can complain about $8.90 an hour with no previous employment (: Plus people at Walmart have serious personality. In a months time I have made friends from three different departments.
I am scheduled to work four times a week from two in the afternoon until eleven at night. I slice meat, cheese, fry food, serve the constant flow of customers, and then at nine shut down and start cleaning.....ya the one down side to my job is that I never leave by eleven. Most of the time I leave around one in the morning. People that work day shift leave when they are scheduled to leave. Night shift people can't leave until the job is done or the piss off management and the morning peeps. As long as I don't go over 40 hours a week nobody cares...except for maybe my mother and myself.
I've never been a late night person. When I was in high school it was rare for me to stay up past midnight, now between work and Michael I haven't been to bed before 1:30 all summer. (Michael likes to have early morning conversations with me because apparently I'm really funny when I'm exhausted and don't have a filter.) I'm growing used to the time switch, so I'm not as bad as I used to be.

Sunday, June 17, 2012

What I Need In a Nutshell

I had a friend ask me what I wanted the other day. I can't really seem to explain that to anyone including myself. I do know that I want to make that special person feel loved. All I want is a person that can take care of me and that will take me despite my many faults. Okay so that's not all I want but that's what I need. .. let me put it like this

Monday, June 4, 2012

21 Things About Love

Romance is like slug bug (yes I know it's a wacky analogy. I'm a wacky girl). Everyone plays it differently. Here's how I like to play.
#1-Most girls want chocolate. I would rather a bouquet of crazy daisies.
#2- Dates don't need to cost a lot of money. In fact it's slightly awkward when they are.
#3-Short and sweet is just as good as the wild and crazy when you really love your partner. Sometimes it's even better.
#4- There is the emotion to love and then there is the capacity to love. Your capacity grows with time and experience. You can't love past your capacity.
#5- True love isn't achieved until the emotion love and the capacity to love grow together.
#6- You can never truly love a person that doesn't love you back. Reciprocation is essential.
#7- Old vibes create problems. Be careful who you give your heart to. You will always be connected weather you like it or not.
#8- You are not a bad person if you date your best friends ex unless you are doing it out of vengeance. Vengeance will hurt all three of you.
#9- Sex is for marriage period.
#10- Love doesn't need to be complicated. If it is complicated fix it!
#11- Talk. Words help create a strong foundation.
#12- The words I love you are sacred. Don't say them unless you mean them.
#13- to run out screaming is to be a coward. You can't fix a problem when you run away from them.
#14- It takes two to Tango. It also takes two to create an argument. It also takes two to love.
#15- One person can't always carry the relationship. You need to be equal partners. Both people need to take part in decisions.
#16- Don't do anything you aren't ready for.
#17-It's okay to take it slow.
#18- It's okay to think of yourself every once in a while. If you don't you're going to explode eventually or grow to resent the person you love.
#19- The words "Don't worry about it" does not stop me from worrying. It just tells me that there's something to worry about.
#20- Honesty is essential.
#21- Trust is also essential.
To tie in the last two when you're not in a serious relationship maybe you don't need to know every tiny detail. They will tell you when they are ready to tell you. Don't let it put a wedge in-between you even if it's a pain. Being pushy doesn't bring them closer it pushes them away. I might need to work on this myself....

Thoughts of a Graduate

I'm done! I did it! Look out world here I come. For those of you that don't know (I'm pretty sure that applies to none of you) I'm going to UVU in the fall. I got into the honors program and I'm planning on majoring in Social Science and minoring in Theater....I'm not quite sure how I'm going to fit the dance in. I love you all! Thank you to mom, dad, grandmas and grandpas, Andrea and Ben, Mike (who has been more of an influence than I think he knows), Teresa, all of my friends (especially Michael who saved my butt on a couple of occasions this past month (: ), and my wonderful teachers. I couldn't have done this without you.

Saturday, May 12, 2012

Music and Me

You know that feeling you get when you hear a certain song and you can't stop thinking about that certain someone? This song does that to me. :) Smile!

Thursday, May 10, 2012

Things that make me happy

1- Having a super cute boyfriend that lets me use his computer 2- Getting random foot rubs 3-The words "I love you" 4-letting myself be me 5- cuddling 6- simplicity Overall I just love being with the marvelous person sitting next to me. Life is sweet.

Monday, April 23, 2012


I am living my life. I am thinking of myself. I'm a nicer person. I am closer to my family. I am less irritable. I am unique. I am special. I can smile. I am moving on. I can love. Others can love me. I am happy. Nothing can stop me now (:

Friday, January 27, 2012

Back to normal.........if anything in my life is ever REALLY normal.

My school is cool. One of the coolest things about it is that we have a thing called Winterum. Winterum is a three week intensive study doing whatever you want. We do this right after Christmas break. This year I did a physical activity and dance winterum. I went to school at the normal time but instead of doing my regular classes I went and worked out for two hours, doing Zumba, Pilates, and Ti Boe. After we finished with that we would work on ballroom or hip hop. I had never done hip hop and it was crazy! I'm not what you would call an amazing hip hop dancer but I enjoyed myself. On four of the days we did ballroom. Everyone in the class was a first timer (every one except for Kyli and I) and we only had four boys. That made things difficult. Sadly our dance teacher was also super sick. On a brighter side, that made it so Kyli and I could try our hand at teaching. Mrs. Mullish would teach some of the basic stuff and then demonstrate with one of us, and then we got to go around fixing everyone. I loved it! However as a result I learned to really dislike cheerleaders. They never participated and were always rude. But I came away with switching all my body fat for muscle. I want it to stay that way.
However as fun as Winterum was things had to go back to normal. I started up on my regular classes this Monday. I got some new classes. I kept both my AP English classes and Seminary, but I picked up Geology, Chamber Choir, Geography, and Computer Tec. AND I'M A TA!!! I'm happy with everything except Geography, which I am only taking because I'm required to have it in order to graduate. It's full of Freshman ):
On top of everything going back to normal, dearest Gregory decided to pick up Bronchitis over Winterum. It didn't get really bad until Sunday, so he didn't find out what was wrong with him until Monday and he was gone from school all week long. ): I'm kind of surprised that I didn't pick up on the disease myself. But he got back today and it pretty much better (: After a long week I'm going to the school basketball game and dance tonight with him, Kyli and, Micheal. And then tomorrow my best friend from first grade is flying in today so we're having lunch tomorrow!!! Well until next time!