Thursday, October 18, 2012

Who Am I?

I am a UVU student.
I am the girl who really enjoys the schools sweet potato fries.
I am the girl who spends at least half of her nights cleaning the Wal-mart deli.
I am the girl who doesn't have a boy friend but sees her ex almost every day.
I am the girl who wears skirts to school rather than jeans.
I am the girl that enjoys going to the bank because that cute boy knows who she is.
I am the girl who never falls asleep until around one in the morning.
I am the girl who is never home for dinner but misses it.
I am the girl that will go to school early to study and maybe stop by her high school on the way to spend a half an hour with some old friends.
I am the girl that takes a trip to heaven every time she gets a back rub.
I am the girl who never stops dancing.
I am the girl who is only 114 pounds but knows she is okay because the healthy weight for someone her age, height, and gender is between 111 and 140 pounds
I am the girl who hates riding the bus because the picture of a stick figure throwing up makes her sick to her stomach.
I am the girl who is desperate to get back into drama
I am the girl that hasn't started filling out mission papers because she's taking her time to really think about it and because she can't go until the summer anyway.
I am the girl that has no fashion sense, but really couldn't care less because cute clothes are too expensive.
I am the girl who still feels nervous over a 40 question multiple choice test after she has studied for it.
I am the girl that loves deep.
I am the girl that is willing to hold you as you cry so you know that somebody cares.
I am not the girl that I was 6 months ago.
I am more confident then that girl.
I am more able to take care of herself.
I am not a girl that is easily hurt.
I am not a girl that is easily used.
I am not the girl who will base herself off of what others think she should be
I am who I am and I will decide when I want to change.

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